Total Medals Earned: 109 (From
19 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 730 Points
Medals Earned: 1/25 (10/250 points)
Ollie's Backstory
Solve The Case
Solve The Case
Solve The Case
Interrogate The Suspects
Identify The Frozen Corpse
Where’d Chip run off to?
A Tale Of Toys And Rats
Battle For Light Vol.1
T'was A Dark Christmas
My Head Hurts And I Have A Dull Pain In My Chest
Merry Christmas!
A Rookie Chasing Shadows and Dead Ends
Shoot First, Ask Questions Later
Fire Behind Her Eyes
Insight And Guidance
Legend of the Yule Cat
I'd Watch Them Squirm, Eyes Wide With Terror
Dove Of Hope
An Addicts Entire Existence Revolves Around Their Next Hit
Master of Horror
They Dwell In The Snow, Hiding From The Eyes Of The World
Delicate, But Tougher Than It Looks
I Could Use Some Soul Saving
Whiskey And Demons Are My Only Companions
Beat 1 Level
Beat 5 Levels
Beat 10 Levels
Beat the Game
Press "F" on the Title Screen
Press "M" on the Title Screen
Ahhh, that's better
You flushed the kings pee
You looked at the credits, yay!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Play the retro game
Clear "Are We America Now?" with at least a Mission Accomplished ranking.
Clear "Armchair Activism" with at least a Mission Accomplished ranking.
Clear "People Watching People Watching TV" with at least a Mission Accomplished ranking.
Clear "Recreational Outrage" with at least a Mission Accomplished ranking.
Clear "YouTumour" with at least a Mission Accomplished ranking.
Clear "Because You're from London" with at least a Mission Accomplished ranking.
Clear "Don't Really Matter to Me" with at least a Mission Accomplished ranking.
Clear "Stunning and Brave" with at least a Mission Accomplished ranking.
Clear "Safe Space" with at least a Mission Accomplished ranking.
Clear "Get It Out the Door" with at least a Mission Accomplished ranking.
Quit a song once started
Play the bonus song
Shart first before you do anything else
Achieve 1000 Farts in the Retro game in either mode
Play every song in the Retro game
Play a HS2 Track in the music player
Play all HS2 Tracks in the music player
Achieve Mission Accomplished Status on All Levels
Get Impeached!
KILL MigMoog
KILL Levi Ramirez
KILL plufmot
KILL Stepford
KILL EpicJohn11
KILL Zizou
KILL conundrym
KILL Connor Grail
KILL nokoi
KILL SomeApe
KILL Droid
KILL heyopc
KILL poptaffy
KILL ayekerik
KILL Carter Sterling
KILL Andyl4nd
KILL meulinex
KILL SlickRamen
KILL Tom Fulp
KILL VoicesByCorey
KILL Xinxinix
KILL PsychoGoldfish
Press the scam button
Take candy from a baby
Win a cockfight
Listen to a voicemail
Buy a dancing frog
Lose the game
Pay 5 weeks worth of rent
Change your desktop background
Upgrade the cosmetics tab
Get 30 points in Flappy Butterfly
Pay 8 weeks worth of rent
Unlock hidden files
open the game !
complete the hideo game
collect all canes
beat the game with no deaths
Get skewered on spikes
Launch the Turtle
Smash a goomba
Launch 1 mile (5,280ft)
Blow up a jeep
Reach space
Get punched by a banana
Find the hidden button
Launch 5 miles (26,400ft)
Crush an angry ground creature
Get caught by a UFO
Get burned by a sun
Play over an hour
Launch 10 miles (52,800ft)
Use a nuke
Play over 2 hours
Buy everything
Launch 25 miles (132,000ft)
Total over 1 million feet
Launch 50 miles (264,000ft)
Complete round 1
Complete round 10
Complete round 25
Complete round 50
Complete round 100
Catch a head moving at a fairly high speed
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!