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Posted by obsessedwithnothing - 1 day ago

found a sick website were you can make your own site for free, totally customizable, but you have to code it and i dont know how to do that, i spent the last few hours on there fucking around tryna copy paste code, i got it to work a lil but i stacked like 6 homepages on top of one another and you could scroll really far, so i had to give up.

Anyway, https://obsessedwithnothing.neocities.org/ is the link, im gonna keep working at it

funny enough i wanted my own website before but now i have one and i don't know what id put on there.

in other news im officially back, ive been posting consistently since i reopened my yt, i had to make a new ng,

im making a brand new video rn , its really long and ive wanted to make it since i wrote it last spring, i was gonna make it along with all the shorts ive made and post it at the end of the summer, but deleting my channel meant i didn't do much animating for the 2 and a half months i and my schedule got pushed back, it was originally called "anywhere but here" but its being changed because thats taken by some 90's movie. it should have a few voices from some animators and youtubers. i also wrote another longer cartoon 2 days ago, sunday i woke up and banged it out really fast, idk if it will ever see the light of day because it defiantly needs more.

its pretty political and it would be called "what makes America great" if i could get it done in time for election day(49 days) it would be ideal, but it needs to be done right cause without a good story i think these jokes could be kinda tasteless.

i have 2 verses of a Christmas poem written so that could also be a possibility, otherwise i have some stupid ideas for other things i could do,

im also doing this short story

plus an irl thinggggg?????

besides that there is actually one more video being made rn that is a collab between me and a newgrounds animator that could be coming out in the next 2 weeks ish, some prodigy way better than me asled if he could do any animation for me so i gave him the video i was about to do, so i made him an animatic and sent him on his way , ive seen bit and parts and its very good,

lmao i actually joined a fucking youtube group too lmao i almost forgot The Trash Men https://www.youtube.com/@Trash-Men

were gonna be gaming and shit streaming, i don't play many games besides Minecraft but were gonna be doing some fucking around

im also kinda interested in doing a pod

lol i was thinking about making an update video on youtube but i think i got everything out here, and i dont really wanna make another discord server witch was one thing i was gonna announce

lmao thank you for reading this if anyone is, im really excited to make videos and stuff

im gonna kick it in to next gear, im looking for art schools to possibly apply too so i can get my art and writting skills way up, idk its late im finally done lmao thank you all



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